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  • Protean ESP by Steve Cook & Paul McCaig

Protean ESP by Steve Cook & Paul McCaig

£69.99 GBP



Limited to only 50 sets per year, Protean ESP is a modern-day variation of Steve Cook’s Photo-Finish effect, which was originally produced and marketed by Tony Curtis in the early 2000’s.

This variation (like the original effect) is easy to perform and receives great reactions from the laity.

Protean ESP utilizes the unique features a top-quality leather Protean Wallet, which has been slightly redesigned by Steve and Paul, and again, like the original, has been produced by Tony Curtis.


Protean ESP can be presented as a Magician vs Mentalist theme, where a spectator’s chosen ESP symbol card, vanishes from its packet of ten cards, only to be found encased, within a previously examined laminated photo of the performer’s grandad!!…The laminated photo can also be fully examined, before and after the effect.

Can be repeated with a different outcome.

Supplied with everything required, including the gorgeous Protean Wallet, laminated photos, a full set of specially designed plastic wipe-down ESP cards and a comprehensive instructional booklet, written by Steve Cook and beautifully produced by Haresign Press.

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