Triveal (E-Book)
£14.99 GBP
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A prediction is handed out before anything else happens and is never touched again.
A deck of cards is shuffled and three spectators each receive a bunch of cards.
Each spectator is asked to THINK of a single card within their bunch.
Without any questions the magician reveals the first spectators card and then the second spectators THOUGHT of card!
Now for the KILLER ENDING!!
The third spectator is asked to open the prediction which has been in full view from the start and it correctly predicts his THOUGHT of card!!
Perfect for close up, walk around or stage, Triveal is a super clever routine which is easy to master.
Super deceptive and suitable for mentalists or magicians.
- Instantly resets
- No questions are ever asked
- No peeks
- Nothing written down
- No dual reality
- No marked or special cards
- Use your own deck
- No switching prediction
- No multiple outs
- Prediction can be written on a business card at the start.